Saturday, 28 November 2009

PRISM Glasses

(image from PRISM)

Ready to Shot

(photos from THINKSILLY)

Something New from Damien Verhagen

Damien Verhagen
as you can see, he looks very extremely charming and attractive....really really stunning..
and a bit sense of androgyny for me, of course in a positive way...
like his style so much..

(image from Lookbook)

Time to Kit out your Mini-me

They look so smart and happy...haha

and there is a new corner at colette with various collections only for kids........the shop-in-shop called Dococo..

and here are some good example done by Jarrod Thornlley from lookbook, full of confidence and really impressive..

(information from Burberry, Colette and Lookbook)

Leather Factory Roberu

    and this strip is very funny..

(information from THINKSILLY)

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Reinstroducing Pascal Grob

Pascal Grob, a very nice Photographer and fashion blogger from Switzerland~

(Photos from Fashion Bits and Bobs)